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In the case of an incident, the situation assessment system should communicate information on the extent of damage to the rescue and relief personnel without delay. The core of the development are robust self-sufficient radio sensors which are integrated into the walls of such buildings. The resistance of the building structures to explosives and fire will be increased by using optimized high-performance concrete (UHPC) and special, energy-absorbing coupling elements for tubbings, i.e. prefabricated concrete segments for tunnel construction. The behaviour of the surrounding ground under dynamic stress and interaction with the tunnel are considered in the status evaluation. Damage by explosions will be local only and the bearing capacity of the building will be ensured. The practicality of the newly developed components will be tested in a case study. In addition, aspects like human-machine interface, organizational and operational processes and the judicial frame will be analysed.

Innovations and applications

A system of self-sufficient radio sensor nodes is a major innovation which holds potential for application in many areas beyond “robust sensing walls”. Fire resistant ductile ultra high-strength fibre-reinforced concrete can be used in many constructions besides tunnels and increase the robustness and durability. The impact-sensitive coupling elements can be used especially in the field of tunnel crossways and can contribute to reducing peak loads caused by explosives incidents.
